Our Team


Alistair Watson
Managing Partner

E alistair.watson@welbeckland.co.uk
T +44(0) 7885 505 311

Alistair is a Chartered Surveyor and founded the Welbeck Group of Companies in 1993.  He engages with both the private and public sectors and manages relationships with investors as well as overseeing business activities including the promotion of strategic land and development.

With over 40 years industry experience Alistair has seen the property industry change beyond recognition and is passionate about the drive for higher building standards in terms of design, efficiency and ecological impact. He also supports reforms to the planning system which speed up the planning application process and the delivery of much needed housing.

Martyn Bowes
Partner & Finance Director 

E martyn.bowes@welbeckland.co.uk
T +44(0) 7825 805 930

Originally an accountant and banker by profession, Martyn joined Welbeck Land in 2007. He helped develop Welbeck’s land promotion strategy, and is now the Partner responsible for developing and delivering the ESG agenda for the business. Martyn also sits on Harworth Group PLC’s ESG Committee in his capacity as a Non-Executive Director.’

Damon Turner

E damon.turner@welbeckland.co.uk
T +44(0) 7921 810 834

Damon, a Partner at Welbeck has over 20 years’ experience in land promotion and placemaking. Preferring to work with communities and key stakeholders he believes in engaging with those who have a vested interest in how developments might impact them.

Damon recognises we are in the midst of a climate and housing emergency so he pro-actively supports and promotes sustainable development, understanding that what we do now will impact generations to come. Working with leading consultants and advisors he is an advocate of phased place-making and not phased construction, and that enhancing biodiversity should be central to proposals that are led by the existing landscape and that everyone deserves a place they can call home.

Andrew Hodgson

E andrew.hodgson@welbeckland.co.uk
T +44(0) 7867 178 993

Andrew joined Welbeck in 2014 and has over 17 years’ industry experience.  A Chartered Surveyor and Partner at the business, he is involved in the identification, acquisition and management of land through the planning process.

Recognising the contentious nature of development, Andrew is keen to demonstrate that solving the country’s housing shortage does not need to be at the expense of nature. He knows that well designed places and high-quality development can go beyond just providing much needed homes – it can also bring benefits to both the natural and human environment.


Alice Lack 
Planning Director

E alice.lack@welbeckland.co.uk
T +44(0) 7595 940 450

Alice, a Planning Director at Welbeck Land, is a Chartered Town Planer with 11 years of town planning experience. Having worked in the private sector for her entire professional career, she has significant experience in coordinating large multi-disciplinary teams to achieve successful outcomes for residential developments.

Alice believes that it is extremely important to engage local communities from the outset, and this is reflected in her work in successfully promoting sites through Neighbourhood Development Plans. She encourages a multi-discipline approach to sites to ensure that all constraints and more importantly, opportunities are established from the start. This includes opportunities for significant biodiversity enhancements to address climate change, the provision of community assets, and of course, the provision of much needed homes. 

Jennifer Liu
Associate Planning Director

E jennifer.liu@welbeckland.co.uk
T +44(0) 7776 595 540

A planning manager and Associate Planning Director at Welbeck, Jennifer has 9 years of town planning experience coordinating large multi-disciplinary teams to achieve successful outcomes.

She believes that a responsible approach to planning can and must bring about significant positive change through the implementation of a well thought through and executed vision, which directly responds to the key challenges of our age such as climate change and environmental degradation.

Louis Wong
Associate Director

E louis.wong@welbeckland.co.uk
T +44(0) 7909 159 548

Louis is a Strategic Land Planning Manager at Welbeck Land and a Chartered Town Planner. He has a strong planning background, with fruitful experience obtained through providing strategic planning advice on a range of notable residential schemes. At Welbeck Land, he is responsible for the identification and management of sites through the planning process, to achieve successful results for residential developments.

Louis recognises sustainable development is one of the essential principles in the contemporary property industry. He is determined to work with the different stakeholders to collaboratively resolve the existing housing emergency situation, with a clear vision to create the much needed high-quality developments for our communities.

Anna Ellerbeck
Land and Development Manager

E anna.ellerbeck@welbeckland.co.uk
T +44(0) 7881 600 556

Anna is a Land Manager at Welbeck. In her previous work as a development surveyor, she obtained several years of experience acting on behalf of landowners across the East and East Midlands to provide successful outcomes for landowners. At Welbeck Land, she is responsible for the identification, acquisition, and management of land through the planning process.

Born and raised on a Cambridgeshire arable farm, she has seen first-hand how an unfulfilled need for housing and employment opportunities in small towns and villages is hollowing out communities and failing her generation. Through a considered planning approach, which enhances the local economy and keeps nature at its heart, Anna believes that the property industry can and must deliver sustainable communities that people can be proud to call home.